Cresteel (85) Ltd. is a family owned heating and air conditioning service company in Calgary. The company was started in 1967 by Vern Weis. Vern had 8 children. All but 3 followed him into the family business. Vern taught and trained 4 sons, 1 daughter, and 2 sons-in-law in the HVAC trade. The office has and will always be run by dedicated family members. Although Vern has since retired and some of the family members have spread their wings and left to run their own businesses, we take pride in remaining the same small family oriented company we have always been.
Being the same company however does not mean we have stood still. As the industry changes, we change and adapt as well. As new energy efficient furnaces and equipment and technologies emerge, we stay on top by doing our homework and learning all we can before an equipment issue arises. If available, we attend the manufacturers' training courses on all furnaces and equipment.
Cresteel (85) Ltd. is committed to being as environmentally friendly as possible. We reclaim and recycle old furnaces, air conditioners, and other equipment. We do this by draining all fluids and disposing of those fluids as per the current laws. Old equipment is then stripped down and the different metals are sorted and taken to the appropriate recyclers. This is a time consuming and costly endeavor, but we feel it is our environmental duty.
In the office, we try to be paper free by keeping digital records whenever possible. These records are stored on a secure, remote server. However, we all know paperwork makes the world go round and cannot be eliminated entirely. For these, we shred and recycle all paper products when and where appropriate.
We strive to know our customers by name, and we treat our customers the way we want to be treated. Fairly! If you have a heating or air conditioning problem, then we have a problem and we will work with you to solve that problem as quickly as possible. Satisfied customers are repeat customers, and many of our customers have been with us since our Dad started the company 44 years ago.
We hope to be able to add you to our family of satisfied and comfortable customers!